Alan Luo

Alan is a resolute optimist. He believes in our ability to build a brighter world together. A world in which computers elevate the lives of millions around the world.

In 2012, a nine-year-old Alan started coding up random stuff to learn more about computers and the amazing things they could do. And he got hooked immediately.

An aspiring scientist, Alan is now a rising first-year PhD student in Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University. With a fervent curiosity, he follows a simple motto each day.

“To better giving.”


Alan’s research vision is to create new insights and tools to enhance the power and potential of Large Language Models, or LLMs for short. Alan is pursuing this vision through the following three research foci. For a full list, see here.

Understanding the mechanisms underlying LLMs

Developing machine learning improvements to LLMs

Enhancing LLM-based virtual assistants